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July 24, 2008

Google Knol

Google just made Knol available to us all!

It's a big repository of expert articles, written by...well...experts. Just like wikipedia but written by experts. A knol is a unit of knowledge.

"With Knol, we are introducing a new method for authors to work together that we call "moderated collaboration." With this feature, any reader can make suggested edits to a knol which the author may then choose to accept, reject, or modify before these contributions become visible to the public. This allows authors to accept suggestions from everyone in the world while remaining in control of their content. After all, their name is associated with it!"

The hardest thing for Google is going to be ranking the knols accurately in Google search results. Knol pages are supposed to be the first thing a user sees when searching for something like that. A know refers both to the project and to the article. Authors can include ads and can earn money from those. Another money spinner, or a genuine attempt at generating quality data?

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