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July 01, 2008


Welcome to "Science for SEO". Here I will be sharing with you my usual everyday reading on computer science developments which may or do affect the SEO industry. I will try and provide a layman's explanation and delve into as much detail as is necessary, there's no need to confuse everyone.

I'm finishing (endlessly it seems) a PhD in Natural language generation and machine understanding. I have many years of experience with search engines, having built some, and also having studied their mechanics in depth as I use some of these techniques for my own area of research. I also do some SEO work which helps with the rent, the bills, and funding some of the more fun things in life.

I hope you enjoy reading and that you get something out of it. Happy trails.


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Science for SEO by Marie-Claire Jenkins is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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